Indi & Co Organic Ginger Ale is available at Organic Soda Pops
Indi & Co Organic Ginger Ale is available at Organic Soda Pops
Indi & Co Organic Ginger Ale is available at Organic Soda Pops
Indi & Co Organic Ginger Ale is available at Organic Soda Pops

Indi & Co Organic Ginger Ale

Organic Ginger Ale


Organic and Low Sugar Drink with Ginger and Turmeric

Amber color with some opacity. Fresh ginger juice with notes of honey.

In the mouth, it ends with a slight sting, wrapped in a soft bubble.

14 kcal / 100 ml

28 kcal/bottle


Scientific name: Lingiber Officinale

Origin: Southeast Asia.

The root is usually taken as an accompaniment to meals, or preserved. Widely used in flavoring recipes and is excellent to drink as an infusion. It has multiple medicinal uses as it promotes digestive functions, treats ulcers, prevents heart diseases, and improves circulation. It is a natural anti-inflammatory.

You will find it in INDI GINGER BEER and INDI GINGER ALE


Scientific name: Curcuma Longa

Origin: India

It is one of the most used spices in Indian cuisine as a food coloring for rice, meat, and various dishes. It is also part of the spices that give color such as curry. It improves digestion, facilitates weight loss, fights colds and flu, prevents asthma attacks, detoxifies the liver, regulates intestinal flora, stimulates the immune system, and relieves skin inflammation such as eczema, acne, and psoriasis.

You will find it in INDI GINGER ALE


Scientific name: Vanilla Fragrans

Origin: Central America

Its main use is as a flavoring in foods, especially in desserts. It is also used in cola recipes. Another important use is in perfumery. Vanilla has benefits as a stimulant of the nervous system.

You will find it in INDI GINGER BEER and INDI GINGER ALE

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Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason ~