Raw & Unpasteurized
Buchi is 100% raw & unpasteurized. The real benefits of drinking fermented, living drinks can only be found in the raw, unpasteurized variety—meaning the good bacteria remain alive and thriving, maintaining their probiotic goodness.
Open Air Fermentation
Following in the footsteps of our ancestors we ferment our drinks using a traditional method of open-air (lambic) fermentation. This method allows all the beneficial wild yeast and bacteria to make their way into our living drinks, creating more diverse, healthier microbes that are better for you and your gut!
Crafted with High-Quality Fair Trade Certified Tea & Sugar
All Buchi drinks are made using Certified Organic Fair Trade Sugar and Tea. We're incredibly proud of our Fair Trade partnerships and our amazing sourcing partners. All Fair Trade percentages are listed on our Kombucha, make sure to check next time you see one!