More Good was founded in late 2012 with one goal in mind – to make this world a better place. We use locally sourced and organic ingredients to create hand-crafted soda syrup concentrates, tea and tisane concentrates, and bitters. Our mission is simple: global impact through local success.
Our vision of success is a little different than most companies. We don’t define success through our ability to operate a profitable bottom line, that’s a given. Instead, we’ve challenged ourselves with the task of operating a profitable bottom line while at the same time maintaining a high level of social responsibility. President and Founder of More Good, Jason Schuler, believes that it is a privilege to be a business owner – and it’s one that he doesn’t take lightly. Everyone at More Good is committed to using our influence and successes to make this world a better place. And we invite you to do the same.
More Good has partnered with Generosity.org in an effort to make clean water accessible to everyone on the planet. We've pledged a minimum of $4,000 per year through two annual fundraisers; this ensures that More Good will fund at least one fully sustainable water well each and every year in parts of the world that desperately need them. In 2013 we donated over $6,800 and in 2014 we donated over $14,000!