Karma Organic Ginger Beer Bissap flavor is available at Organic Soda Pops
Karma Organic Ginger Beer original flavor is available at Organic Soda Pops

Karma Organic Ginger Beer

Organic Ginger Beer

A beer ? No... It's a non-alcoholic beverage brewed with fermented ginger. Originally from England, it can be eaten as it is very fresh or in mixology.

You can consume it without moderation: it's the least sweet ginger beer on the market, and it's eco-friendly! To make it, KARMA reuses its spent ginger.

Their maceration and fermentation release the omnipotence of ginger to tease your taste buds. Sensitive souls refrain!

Made in France

100% Organic


Carbonated water

Blond cane sugar from Paraguay

Fermented ginger 2.4%

Ginger juice 0.2%

Vanilla extract

“Cultivate clarity, strength, vitality and power from natural, beautiful and organic living food.”

Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason ~