
Coca-Cola's Plastic Pollution Problem

Despite decades of failure to recycle more than a very small percentage of its plastic packaging, the Coca-Cola Company is again trying to sell people on its recycling efforts. Coca-Cola has been declared the worst plastic polluter in the world. It pumps out 200,000 bottles a minute, an equivalent of 3...

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Natural, Organic Food Sales on the Rise

Whether they’re bonafide health fanatics or just looking for healthier options to add to the rotation, many shoppers today are focused on eating healthy, and are increasingly turning to the organic and natural food sections for their groceries. Organic...

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Eat Organic Stay Healthy!

Organic, Organic, Organic…….we have heard this word everywhere. Do you know about this? Let us know about it and it’s importance.

Simply, the Organic term is related to something which is made up of living matter. Organic products are that have been prepared and processed without the use of any chemicals. Organic...

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“Cultivate clarity, strength, vitality and power from natural, beautiful and organic living food.”

Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason ~